Wednesday 23 June 2010

Here is the tank that I created using studio 3D max. to get to this point to find different textures and reference so that once my tank was completed i could apply it to the finished piece.

Here is the front of the tank in wire frame.

View of the side of the tank in wire frame.

Here is the first texture/ reference I found for my tank, i thought this one looked great the blend of shade i thought would be good for my tank.

So here is the second texture i found as a example of what i could use for my tank. I think this is also great but I prefered the first texture that i found.

This is the research of a interview i had to find, so I decide that avatar would be a good example to use.

So here I was just having ago at applying textures for the first time.

So then i went on an i created a make up box.

This is another texture i found to use a reference for my tank. I chose not to use this one though as the image was a little bit blairy.

So this is texture number 4. I like this texture but i dont think its as realistic. But it was a good example of textures to use for my tank.